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How smart is your home?
Here are some of our favorite home technology products in 2018.
Here are some of our favorite home technology products in 2018.
We all know that dreaded feeling when an unexpected guest knocks on the door and the house isn’t prepared. It’s one thing to have to toss a few clothes in a basket or tuck toys under the beds. But it’s another thing when your house has that stale odor smell that settles in between cleanings. […]
Amanda Hooper said she had always dreamed of owning her own business, but those dreams took a backseat to her top priority of being a mother to her four small children. “My dreams were not about my wants but were about my children’s future,” Hooper said. “But that’s when it hit me. I wanted to […]
by Jerika Vincent Shopping for spring fashions can be confusing for Coast residents because of the dramatic temperature changes here. Waking up each morning can be a constant struggle for finding that perfect wardrobe, because of it feeling like summer one day and the next day like winter. There are many ways to dress during […]
by Billie Comeaux Creating your own private oasis is not as difficult as you might think. Your sanctuary begins with selecting a palette to help create the calm, serene atmosphere you desire. Suggested colors to work with: Icy blue. Feel soothed and relax to the color of the sky. Sage or pistachio green, taken from […]
Model: Shavon Banks | Photographer: Brian Pearse | Wig by: Krystal Ben More than just a hairstylist, Krystal Ben, owner of Hair Fetish, sees herself as true “hair visionary.” Ben, better known as “Krissy,” has always believed that all women are naturally beautiful. Just as she knew that some people were blessed with the gift […]
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By Denise Jacobs | | Photos by Lisa Loth Mosaic artist Elizabeth Veglia is best known for her award-winning public mosaic projects — extraordinary pieces of public art. Now she’s focusing her artistic energies on smaller scale works of art-to-wear. Like many of us of a certain age, Veglia has been transitioning and downsizing. She […]
Mallorie and husband, Jim, own Rasberry Financial Services and co-own The Laurel Mercantile. You can also find them behind the scenes and on the big screen as cast members in the HGTV hit show, “Home Town.” Mallorie recently shared about her life and work. TELL US ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF REVITALIZING YOUR HOMETOWN? Well this […]
Provided by Benjamin F. Edwards & Co. and Angela Wolfe For generations of Americans buying a house was seen as a financial no-brainer. You’d save enough for a down payment, find the house of your dreams and make steady mortgage payments until the house was yours. Today it’s not always so obvious whether it’s better […]
RIESLING-PEACH GLAZED HAM Riesling-Peach Glazed Ham is a great entree, especially for Easter brunch or dinner. Tastes excellent, and is perfect for a big family gathering! The flavors are amazing and everyone will enjoy this yummy ham! INGREDIENTS 1 fully cooked smoked bone-in half ham (6-8 lb) 1 cup Riesling wine 2 sprigs fresh thyme […]