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Nurturing every mother

Having trouble breastfeeding? Help is available for Coast moms

Breastfeeding can be both challenging and beautiful. Although it seems like the most natural of acts, success can take plenty of patience, research and support from organizations committed to serving all Coast families.

Breastfeeding offers valuable benefits for both moms and babies, but making it accessible to everyone means understanding and overcoming challenges. Tiffany Hills, international board-certified lactation consultant, and Sandra Johnson, certified lactation consultant, give moms support and guidance through the Breastfeeding Center at Memorial.


These experts say that free resources available in the community, like the Mississippi MILC League, La Leche League, lactation consultants at Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), and community baby showers, have proven very effective. They add that their consultants work closely with the WIC program to deliver personalized breastfeeding help. Community baby showers are special events where information and resources are shared with expectant moms in a welcoming, supportive setting.


The continued efforts to provide access and resources ensure that all mothers, no matter their insurance status, receive essential information and support. Minority communities often face specific barriers to breastfeeding, such as lack of family support, language differences, limited prenatal care and the need to return to work early without proper accommodations for pumping.

“We address these challenges by having mothers work with WIC on education, offering free breastfeeding education classes here at the hospital once a month and providing outpatient follow-up appointments in our Breastfeeding Center after discharge,” one consultant explains.


These efforts are making a real difference.

“When I started here in 2005, only two in 10 mothers initiated breastfeeding,” Tiffany recalls. “Now …, eight in 10 mothers initiate breastfeeding.” The Breastfeeding Center at Memorial provides timely follow-up appointments and early interventions that positively impact breastfeeding journeys.”


Tiffany and Sandra know the importance of getting the whole family involved in supporting breastfeeding moms.

“Get the family supportive and engaged in helping the mom succeed,” one consultant advises. “Approaching each mother’s journey with an open mind and personalizing the support to her needs and wants is crucial.”

They add, “We aim to participate in more community baby showers, spread the word about our free breastfeeding classes and collaborate with more healthcare providers to enhance both prenatal and postnatal support.”


  • Memorial’s Breastfeeding Center: call (228) 867-4053 or visit
  • La Leche League: visit
  • WIC: visit
  • U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division can help you determine whether you have the right to take breaks to pump at work. Call the helpline at 1-866-4USWAGE for support.

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Written by Memorial Health System

Memorial offers both primary care services and virtual visits. Learn more by visiting or by calling (228) 867-5000.

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