At some point in or before high school, arithmetic becomes associated with complexity. That experience often transforms into the narrative, “I’m not good at math.” The seed of that thought takes root, and even in adulthood, many people retain a disconnect between themselves and the numbers that represent their budgets, reveal their profit margins and […]
Mississippi may not be the first state that comes to mind when pursuing business as a female entrepreneur. After all, the city still suffers from one of the biggest pay gaps between men and women as a whole. It’s also lagging behind in terms of tax laws that benefit minorities and diversified workplaces. That said, […]
Calendars — we love them when the prompts remind us of commitments we may have forgotten, but we dread them when they show us how overbooked we are. As my own schedule became overrun in February, I started to have a very serious internal conversation with myself. Every board on which I volunteer seemed to […]
In hindsight, it seems like sisters Chasity Harrison Sanders and Brittany Harrison were fated to open a boutique together. “I’ve always loved fashion and keeping up with the latest trends,” Sanders says. “Mostly, I love helping people find the perfect outfit!” Her sibling shared her penchant for style and at one point even aspired to be a […]
We’ve all heard entrepreneurship advocates make the same sort of claims: “Open your own business, be your own boss, and you will have flexibility! It will be rewarding!” While there is truth in these statements, I have never worked harder than while working for myself. If you want to own a business, just know that […]
Photo by Liza Summer via Pexels In 2023, the average credit score in the United States is 714. Considering the state of the economy, that’s not a bad average. If you fall below that average, it may be time to consider making active moves to increase your credit score. The lower your credit score, […]
Women who own a proper-fitting bra can count themselves lucky — and members of a minority. According to Melissa Logos, certified mastectomy fitter and owner of Foundations Bra Fitting, 90 percent of ladies wear the incorrect bra size – a struggle that affects everything from their self-esteem and comfort to their posture and how their […]