by Jocelyn Gavin Lane// As I waited for the results of yet another breast biopsy, this time I promised God that if I were cancer-free I would live out my dreams and give back to the community. In 2013, Pink Lotus was born! The Pink Lotus Project is a not-for-profit organization focused on empowering women […]
Cares & Causes
By Kay Denault, Executive Director// The mission of the Mental Health Association (MHA) of South Mississippi is to be a champion of positive mental health and wellness. Mental illness does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability or veteran’s status. The national statistics are startling: […]
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C is for courage
By Karen Sock// As I reflect on hearing the words, “You have cancer,” I am reminded how precious and fragile the life experience actually is. So, as I fight the cancer survivor fight for the second time, my focus is on living a full life! Words cannot express the depths of my gratitude as I […]
A few weeks ago in a meeting with volunteers at Back Bay Mission, I was asked what long-term sustainability looks like for the people we serve. No one had asked me that question before, however, immediately I knew that the volunteer’s question captured the distinction between giving a person a hand-out and giving a hand-up. […]
By Andrea Yeager // “I love the color and the haircut,” said the three-time cancer survivor, tossing her new shorter hairdo. “It was worth all the work these stylists did.” Michelle Gibbs of Hattiesburg was shocked to be told that she was this year’s final recipient of a makeup and hair makeover. “I couldn’t believe […]
By Joel Smith // During nearly 15 years as a prosecutor, I have had the opportunity to handle hundreds of cases involving those who have violated the law in Mississippi. Seeing a multitude of cases day after day, year after year, has made me passionate about the issues we face in the fight for victims […]
By John McFarland // As we observe the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, it’s appropriate to remember the contributions of the American Red Cross in the Katrina relief efforts. While the Red Cross is recognized as a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue code, it is unique in that it […]