By Kelsie Dove My husband and I have made this pledge to our sons, but within the last year, I’ve realized what an important, yet difficult-to-keep, promise this is. At age 8, my eldest son is moving from the black- or-white, right-or-wrong and easy-to-navigate part of childhood into the gray, murky areas of young adulthood — […]
We asked you to share photos of your furry friends, and once again, you overwhelmed us with adorableness. Here are some of the standouts from the dozens of entries in our Coast Cutest Pets Contest 2023: KREWE OF BARKLOXI ROYALTY Jimmy Suckow and Bella Pappas reign as the 2023 king […]
In middle school, it becomes more important than ever for students to know how to study. The foundation for this is laid in elementary school, but in middle school, expectations are higher, and teachers want students to be independent learners. What are some of the study skills students should be cultivating as they move toward […]
For some reason, my mother always wanted to be “thick,” to have a little weight on her. I could not relate because I’ve always been “round” (as she calls me). Food and a kiss solved everything, or at least that’s what momma led us to believe. When we slammed our hand in the door or […]
The new year is here. It’s hard to believe 2022 has come and gone. As you set your goals and intentions for the new year, here are some commitments to make to yourself to help you and your family be more content in 2023. 1. Give yourself grace. The quest for perfection can be exhausting, […]
Tis the season for gifts and family celebrations, bonfires and feasts. Amid all the festivities, please keep the following in mind: December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month ( If you are impaired while celebrating, don’t get behind the wheel. An automobile crash will increase your insurance costs. Plus, you will be inconvenienced […]
The holidays bring lots of fun with friends and family, but after all the seasonal hustle and bustle have passed, the dreaded question arises: how will you keep the kids entertained for the rest of their winter break? Although a little boredom can be good for kids, as it encourages creativity and resourcefulness, it’s still […]