Throughout the course of any given day, children are asked to do many different things, from getting ready and engaging in the classroom to doing chores and completing homework. In school, your child’s job is to learn, but learning is quite complex. It requires paying attention, comprehension, active listening, reasoning, critical thinking, making comparisons and […]
I was preparing to cook a breakfast of pancakes, bacon, grits and eggs recently one Saturday morning for us, my parents, and my brother who was in town visiting. Normally breakfast does not consist of pancakes and grits. However, my husband and I wanted pancakes, and my brother always requests that I prepare grits and […]
Coming off the holidays, January for me feels kind of “blah.” It gets dark at 5 p.m., and it’s cold. My energy level is down, and I tend to want to sleep more than I usually would. The “winter blues” are more common than you may think, and many people experience them. In fact, women […]
Even under the best of circumstances, the holidays can be frantic. When you multiply it with the added stress of having to be caregiver for a family member with special needs, such as dementia, this time of year can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you avoid hitting your maximum stress level during […]
By Erin Gibson As students move throughout elementary school and toward middle school, the role of the parent evolves — especially when it comes to homework. It’s critical that parents limit their involvement in homework but don’t back away completely. One of the most common questions we receive from parents at Huntington is how much […]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year; unfortunately, it also can be the most stressful. There’s family and friends to visit, parties to host and gifts to purchase. Before you know it, the season you looked forward to has become more of a chore than a joyous occasion. Don’t let the pressures of the […]
In a society that places so much value on material possessions, it can be easy for kids to take their good fortune for granted. Teaching thankfulness is one of a parent’s most important jobs, especially when many experts have cited a link between being grateful and increased happiness. So how can you cultivate appreciation in […]