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    Mum’s the word

    Chrysanthemums are the quintessential flower of fall. Who doesn’t remember the huge mums worn by their high school homecoming court? How about the orange and yellow nursery mums adorning many Coast porches each Halloween? Admittedly, I’ve killed many a potted mum — not intentionally, of course, but from sheer neglect or enthusiasm to keep them […]

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    Six reasons why we need and love trees

    “I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree …” Here on the Coast, we enjoy the beauty of majestic live oaks. These mighty trees bend with constant winds sweeping across the Gulf. They have survived hurricanes, tornadoes, construction and commercial development. They have provided shade and respite from our sweltering […]

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    Why am I such a plant killer?

    Now that summer officially has reached the Coast, it’s a forgone conclusion that our gardens are gloriously blooming or struggling with heat, humidity or the inexperience or neglect of human hands. There are many ways to kill a beloved plant and, believe me, I’ve killed my fair share. As a college student craving the solace […]

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