Keeping all my obligations straight can be a daunting task, as I work full time, am actively involved in several organizations and am the primary caregiver for my elderly parents. I leverage technology to help me be more organized and efficient, allowing me more time to engage in self-care and reducing stress on everyone involved. […]
Unless you’re shipwrecked on a deserted island, you probably enjoy a handful of close relationships. From spouses to children to friends, parents, siblings, significant others and colleagues, healthy relationships build self-esteem, improve mental and emotional health and help you live a fuller life. Numerous studies suggest that people with strong, supportive relationships live healthier, longer […]
Parental involvement is an important factor in your child’s school success, but there is such a thing as over-involvement. While you can do many things as a caring parent to help your child do well in school, there are also things you should avoid. Here are several tips on how to keep your involvement appropriate […]
By Jessi Robertson As a mom of four and a family therapist for almost 17 years, I have talked with many parents who are unsure how to discuss some difficult topics with their children. It is normal to feel scared, uncomfortable or even embarrassed to bring up some things with your kids, but communication is […]
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The keys to successful co-parenting
By Elizabeth Zimmerman Co-parenting children has become the norm for many moms and dads in the United States. With nearly half of all marriages ending in divorce and increasing economic pressures requiring both parents to work outside the home, successful co-parenting can ensure that children whose parents are no longer together transition easily into new […]
When Coast Episcopal’s Head of School Jake Winter reached out to Melissa Flickinger to gauge her interest in teaching the school’s first transitional kindergarten class, Flickinger responded with a resounding “yes!” The University of Southern Mississippi graduate has 13 years of experience in preschool and elementary education, with the last four as a preschool intervention […]