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COLOR: The power that you wear

Clothing is a huge part of how we express ourselves without saying a word. Through fashion and style, we can connect with others and evoke emotion.

While we can connect with clothing pieces for many reasons, color is a huge part of why we buy many of the items we have in our closet and why we pick a garment off the clothing rack. Color sets the tone — showing who you want to be and how you want others to perceive you. Color allows us to be expressive, bold, and influential to others around us. It affects our mood and those of the people we interact with — even causing changes in heart rate, blood pressure and respiration.

Just imagine if every item you chose lacked color; how would you feel wearing it? Would it truly express who you are? That is why color and its power are so important in fashion. Color tells a story. If I were to wear a shade of yellow, it would set a tone of happiness and cheerfulness. Colors like black and navy blue make you feel empowered, slim, and so confident you could tackle anything. Red is intense and represents passion, determination and energy.

I encourage you to try something new. Maybe you’re not a fan of wearing color, but I promise that after you add some new hues to your wardrobe, you’ll notice a shift in your attitude and your confidence. The best part is others will start to notice, too.

As designer Coco Chanel once said, “The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.” Now that we’re pressing our way into summer, I hope to see people trying colors that are out of their comfort zone. Summer is about being bold and courageous!

This season, you’re sure to spot reds, saffron, cobalt blues, minty greens, coral pinks, and plum purples. I hope you come to embrace color as the power that you wear.

Jasmine Ball is a Mississippi fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. Connect with her via Instagram (Miss_Ball23), her blog site ( or by email at

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Written by Jasmine Ball

Jasmine Ball is a Mississippi fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. Connect with her via Instagram (Miss_Ball23), her blog site ( or by email at

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