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Hemmed in

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel restricted — hemmed in by whatever’s going on around me. In fact, entire nations can feel hemmed in at times, possibly due to a natural disaster, an upcoming election or a pandemic, much like we are experiencing today.

The definition of “hemmed in” is to surround someone or something, to limit or restrict what someone or something can do. A narrow place that “hems someone in” applies internal pressure, causing someone to feel confined and without options.

Well today, I want to share some great news: God has us surrounded — hemmed in!

Psalms 139:5 says; “You hem me in, behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.” When God says he has us hemmed in, it means he has us totally surrounded. We are not confined. He has us protected and directed by his hand.

I don’t know about you, but this revelation brings me such peace and comfort, knowing that God is in control of everything. Not only does God go before us, but he also walks behind us and alongside us. He is our all-knowing, loving God.

Luke 12:7 says; “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” It also says don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Psalms 139:2-4 says he knows when we sit, and he knows when we rise; he perceives our thoughts from afar. He discerns our going out and our lying down; and he is familiar with all our ways. Before a word is even formed on our tongues, he knows it completely.

We have to hold on to this truth, that we are hemmed in by God, and freedom comes from learning to trust him and truly resting in him during difficult times and seasons.

When we hem a piece of cloth or a pair of pants, they look finished. They are protected so they don’t unravel or fall apart. Once the fabric is hemmed, it is protected, and the edges are secure — just like us.

Let’s look at Psalms 139, verse 5, again, “You hem me in, behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.” He hems us in so we have borders, and those borders are protected. He hems us in so we are secure and finished in him.

How wonderful it is for us to be fully known and fully loved by God! Now we can freely go into today knowing God has us “hemmed in.”

Killeen is founder of W.O.W. (Women of Wisdom). W.O.W. meets every second Wednesday of the month at noon at the Knight Nonprofit Center in Gulfport.

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Written by Robin Killeen

Robin Killeen is the founder of W.O.W. Women of Wisdom. Reach her at (228) 424-0098 and learn more at

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