Often without her realizing it, Judy Alliston is being watched with a mixture of admiration and awe.
As a source of unconditional love and support for her family, the woman affectionately called “Mimi” by her grandchildren is reaping what she has sown. The mother of four, grandmother of 13 and great-grandmother of two serves as a model of maternal strength and grace for multiple generations of her clan.
“Parenting has taught me to rely on God and learn to be flexible,” says the Long Beach resident and active member of Northwood Church, where her son-in-law is the pastor. “Always leave room for mistakes and learn from them. I have poured my life into my children and grandchildren.”
Alliston’s own parents were her biggest role models, setting high standards for her and her siblings. Her mom taught her the basics of being a wife and mother, from making biscuits to cleaning a home.
Alliston passed on those lessons to her daughter, Ashleigh Butterfield, who also credits her “kind and gracious” mom with showing her how to love God through all of life’s ups and downs.
“I remember her taking me through an etiquette book as a young teenager; at the time, I didn’t see the value, but it’s actually come in handy throughout my life,” Butterfield says. “I also remember cleaning our church with her as a child for many years. As much as she likes the pretty things in life, she is also a hard worker and will always pitch in and volunteer.”
Alliston’s excitement and zeal for life, as well as her commitment to God and her church, fill her daughter, Paula Alliston Rainey, with pride. The example her mother set of prioritizing family has left a powerful impression on her children and grandchildren alike.
“She has inspired me as a parent by always being there when I need her no matter what and always having my back,” Rainey says. “I am the same with my sons.”
Butterfield calls her mom her “biggest cheerleader” — someone who encourages her to step out in faith and “do the hard things.” The title also applies literally, as loved ones can count on Alliston to be present for moments in their lives large and small.
“I have vast memories of raising my children and having influence with my grandchildren,” Alliston says. “I have attended the majority of their school events. I have sat numerous times in the rain watching them play football (and compete in) track meets. Those are very exciting times for me.”
Those moments are equally meaningful to Judy’s granddaughter, Emma Butterfield, who recognizes them as her grandmother’s love in action.
“Mimi always comes to each event that her grandkids have and cheers them on,” Butterfield says. “She never fails to make me feel loved and cared for.”

While Emily Mauffray has heard plenty of words of wisdom from her grandmother, she says Alliston’s best advice wasn’t conveyed with words. Rather, it was the strength and resilience Alliston showed after losing her husband that most impressed and inspired her.
“My Mimi is the purest soul I have ever been blessed to know,” Mauffray says. “I always look up to her and her faith!”
Granddaughter Julia Starkey describes Alliston as “the humblest, most loving, supportive, funny redhead you’ve ever met!”
“Me and my Mimi love to do movie nights! I’ll admit, it has been too long since we have had one,” Starkey adds. “We have that special relationship where no matter how long you go without seeing each other, when you’re together, it’s like no time has passed.”
As Mother’s Day approaches, Alliston feels fortunate to have daughters with whom she is close and whom she describes as “women of integrity.” Their quality time together includes activities like camping, beach strolling and shopping.
One of her standout memories is walking 20 miles alongside two of her children for the MammothMarch in Memphis, Tennessee. Every year for her birthday, she looks forward to traveling for Fairhope with her daughters for an annual shopping trip.
“My daughters are older, and we are best friends,” Alliston says. “We love to hang out with each other.”
While her Mother’s Day plans aren’t definite, Alliston knows she will be celebrating with family. The devoted matriarch understands that her greatest legacy lies not in material possessions or worldly success, but in the hearts of her loved ones — an inheritance of love that will be passed on for generations to come.
“It has been a blessing to be raised by a strong-willed woman,” says her daughter, Bridget Manning. “It has given me strength to stand up for myself, be independent and be confident in who I am as a woman.”
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