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Set yourself up for success in 2024 with ‘painless planning’

Now that we’ve entered 2024, do you have a solid plan to stay focused? Once you step into a new year, it feels filled with possibilities that leave you energized and excited. If you haven’t created a plan for what you wish to accomplish in your life and/or your business, that excitement can start to erode.


I developed a concept called “painless planning”; yes, that’s really a thing. The first premise in this approach is the assumption that it is never too late to plan.

What we do tomorrow and beyond is what matters. Painless planning is a concept and process you can adopt as well. Here are a few of the elements:

  • It starts with your aspirations – what do you want to focus on, and where do you want to be in the future?
  • Where are you today in the areas in which you want to focus?
  • What are the gaps between your current and future status in these areas of your life or business?
  • What steps can you take to close those gaps?
  • What projects, purchases, or initiatives do you need to kick off to realize those aspirations?
  • YOU choose your timeline for each item based on your priorities and needs. The final product is a plan that feels personal and attainable with less stress.

I have done “painless planning” with so many of my clients after developing it as a process for my own use. My main goal, both personally and with my coaching clients, is to reduce overwhelm while increasing the feeling of possibility. We have enough exterior stress in our lives without adding more through our own actions.


Most of my clients think they MUST complete their planning before year-end for the upcoming year. Not everyone can accomplish that. It’s better to have a plan that gives you direction and allows you to focus on the most crucial elements, and that can happen whenever you are ready.

What will you do to either create your own plan or revise yours in a way that feels less overwhelming by being more realistic? You can achieve what you plan; don’t simply rely on luck.

Tina Meilleur, CPA and MBA, is an executive coach for professional women and women business owners, the founder of Design Your Success, the creator of Power Talk for Women and chapter chair for the Women Presidents Organization. She can be reached at 504-330-7405 or at

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Written by Tina Meilleur

Tina Meilleur, CPA and MBA, is an executive coach for professional women and women business owners, the founder of Design Your Success and the creator of Power Talk for Women. She is also a chapter chair for the Women Presidents Organization. Reach her at (504) 330-7405 or at

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