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Big changes are coming. What now?

Five tips for powering through any crisis

If you have ever been involved in crisis management, a big change in your company’s strategic direction or a significant personal challenge, you know how difficult it is to navigate successfully. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you must be the one managing through a significant change or crisis, it is imperative that you call upon your experience and remain calm. I want to offer some tips to help you get through it and get others on board.

Whether it is a significant health crisis, an issue in your business or another type of setback, adversity can really get you off-center and confused. You can go from executing your overall plan and day-to-day schedule to living in chaos and unsure what to do next.

One thing I can tell you is that you’ve got this! When you are faced with new situations, even urgent ones, your intuition and experience will kick in.

One thing I can tell you is that you’ve got this! When you are faced with new situations, even urgent ones, your intuition and experience will kick in. You might be used to having a plan with specific steps and deadlines or a standard routine, but all of that can be interrupted in times of crisis or big change.

What will work is taking one step at a time and being willing to adjust as you learn more. I want to share my Change Leadership Power 5 tips with you, so you have them available if you ever need them. Besides being used for this purpose, they are great leadership tips in any context.


  1. Exhibit courage when you wish to retreat. Show up powerfully for yourself and others.
  2. Make forward moves when others are stuck, even when you don’t know exactly what to do.
  3. Show empathy while focusing on action, but remain clear in your communication and expectations. Work to contain your own emotions so others will remain calm.
  4. Position yourself to remain creative and vigilant regarding what may be next. Use strategic and critical thinking to turn your creative ideas into actionable ones.
  5. Manage performance and structure every day. Remain ready to change direction and try something new when things are not working.


There is certainly no “magic formula.” Keeping things moving in a positive way is always hard work, but it is inevitable that we all will experience times of significant change or crises that we must tackle.

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Written by Tina Meilleur

Tina Meilleur, CPA and MBA, is an executive coach for professional women and women business owners, the founder of Design Your Success and the creator of Power Talk for Women. She is also a chapter chair for the Women Presidents Organization. Reach her at (504) 330-7405 or at

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