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How I Built My Business: Purple Peacock

My business partner, Dian Mong, and I have a tale that never fails to amuse friends and customers alike.

Our partnership began with a leap of faith, and Dian immediately took charge of what we fondly refer to as “her lane.” One day, she sent me an address to scout a potential location, and upon arrival, I was taken aback. The place was a vast, empty shell — a former machine shop with bare, concrete floors and exposed beams.

But it was there, in that cavernous space, that Purple Peacock LLC was born, with Dian and I at the helm. Defining our roles was crucial in managing the 5,000 square feet before us.

Dian, the visionary, transformed every corner into a captivating display of beauty and utility. Meanwhile, I took on the rest: brand management, marketing, accounting, public relations, writing and even ensuring the air conditioning was up and running.

Our complementary skills — Dian’s boundless creativity and my dualistic nature, blending artistic flair with a knack for numbers — have forged a dynamic duo.  Together, we’ve created one of the region’s most unique and enchanting antique-vintage retail shops.

Our complementary skills — Dian’s boundless creativity and my dualistic nature, blending artistic flair with a knack for numbers — have forged a dynamic duo. Together, we’ve created one of the region’s most unique and enchanting antique-vintage retail shops. At Purple Peacock, we strive to create a world where the past is elegantly interwoven with the present. I focus on the facets of marketing and brand stewardship while Dian curates and designs our breathtaking showroom. When you step into our domain, which was once a humble machine shop, you’ll be transported to a place where history and artistry converge.

In the spirit of camaraderie, we’ve also established a private social media group to foster a community of like-minded businesses. It’s a space where we exchange ideas, seek advice and offer support, always prioritizing collaboration over competition.

Embarking on a business venture is no easy feat, but having a partner who shares your vision makes the journey all the more rewarding. So, find your passion, embrace your “lane” and remember that hard work truly pays off.


Purple Peacock LLC
3200 B Ave., Gulfport
(228) 264-8777
Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Gail Griffin is the co-owner of Purple Peacock LLC. Reach her at (228) 264-8777.

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